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2016-09-22 17:12:11 -06:00

109 lines
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/* keybrd_3c_sublayerNull.ino
This sketch:
is firmware for layout with 2 layers plus 1 sublayer.
runs on the first three columns of a breadboard keyboard
| Layout | **0** | **1** | **2** |
| **0** | a - 1 | b = | c Num |
| **1** | Alpha | Sym | Enter |
// ################## GLOBAL ###################
// ================= INCLUDES ==================
#include <Code_Sc.h>
#include <Code_Null.h>
#include <LayerState.h>
#include <Code_LayerLock.h>
#include <Code_LayerHold.h>
#include <Key_LayeredKeys.h>
#include <Row.h>
#include <Scanner_uC.h>
#include <ScanDelay.h>
// ============ SPEED CONFIGURATION ============
ScanDelay scanDelay(9000);
// ================== SCANNER ==================
uint8_t readPins[] = {14, 15, 16};
uint8_t readPinCount = sizeof(readPins)/sizeof(*readPins);
Scanner_uC scanner(LOW, readPins, readPinCount);
// =================== CODES ===================
/* ---------------- LAYER CODE -----------------
One LayerState object manages all 3 layers.
enum layerIds { ALPHA, SYM, NUM };
LayerState layerState;
Code_LayerLock l_normal(ALPHA, layerState);
Code_LayerLock l_sym(SYM, layerState);
Code_LayerHold l_num(NUM, layerState);
LayerStateInterface& Key_LayeredKeys::refLayerState = layerState;
// ---------------- SCAN CODES -----------------
Code_Sc s_a(KEY_A);
Code_Sc s_b(KEY_B);
Code_Sc s_c(KEY_C);
Code_Sc s_minus(KEY_MINUS);
Code_Sc s_equal(KEY_EQUAL);
Code_Sc s_enter(KEY_ENTER);
Code_Sc s_1(KEY_1);
Code_Null code_null;
/* =================== KEYS ====================
When a Key_LayeredKeys is pressed, layerState returns the active layerId,
which could be any of the layerIds in l_normal, l_sym, l_num.
The layout has one key with 3 layers, and two keys with 2 layers.
But the layer scheme has 3 layers for all three keys.
The extra layers are filled with duplicate codes and null codes.
Key* const ptrsKeys_00[] = { &s_a, &s_minus, &s_1 };
Key_LayeredKeys k_00(ptrsKeys_00);
s_equal is duplicated in layer 2.
Key* const ptrsKeys_01[] = { &s_b, &s_equal, &s_equal };
Key_LayeredKeys k_01(ptrsKeys_01);
code_null occupies layer 2. Class Code_Null doesn't do anything. It is useful for blank codes.
Remember to fill all layers with codes.
If the code_null were omitted from the array, dereferencing ptrsKeys_02[2] could cause a crash.
Key* const ptrsKeys_02[] = { &s_c, &l_num, &code_null };
Key_LayeredKeys k_02(ptrsKeys_02);
// =================== ROWS ====================
Key* const ptrsKeys_0[] = { &k_00, &k_01, &k_02 };
uint8_t keyCount_0 = sizeof(ptrsKeys_0)/sizeof(*ptrsKeys_0);
Row row_0(scanner, 0, ptrsKeys_0, keyCount_0);
Key* const ptrsKeys_1[] = { &l_normal, &l_sym, &s_enter };
uint8_t keyCount_1 = sizeof(ptrsKeys_1)/sizeof(*ptrsKeys_1);
Row row_1(scanner, 1, ptrsKeys_1, keyCount_1);
// ################### MAIN ####################
void setup()
void loop()