KLL Compiler
Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.
Repozitorijs ir arhivēts. Tam var aplūkot failus un to var klonēt, bet nevar iesūtīt jaunas izmaiņas, kā arī atvērt jaunas problēmas/izmaiņu pieprasījumus.

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. # KLL Compiler - Kiibohd Backend
  3. #
  4. # Backend code generator for the Kiibohd Controller firmware.
  5. #
  6. # Copyright (C) 2014-2015 by Jacob Alexander
  7. #
  8. # This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  9. # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  10. # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  11. # (at your option) any later version.
  12. #
  13. # This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  14. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  16. # GNU General Public License for more details.
  17. #
  18. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  19. # along with this file. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  20. ### Imports ###
  21. import os
  22. import sys
  23. import re
  24. from datetime import date
  25. # Modifying Python Path, which is dumb, but the only way to import up one directory...
  26. sys.path.append( os.path.expanduser('..') )
  27. from kll_lib.backends import *
  28. from kll_lib.containers import *
  29. from kll_lib.hid_dict import *
  30. ### Classes ###
  31. class Backend( BackendBase ):
  32. # Default templates and output files
  33. templatePaths = ["templates/kiibohdKeymap.h", "templates/kiibohdDefs.h"]
  34. outputPaths = ["generatedKeymap.h", "kll_defs.h"]
  35. requiredCapabilities = {
  36. 'CONS' : 'consCtrlOut',
  37. 'NONE' : 'noneOut',
  38. 'SYS' : 'sysCtrlOut',
  39. 'USB' : 'usbKeyOut',
  40. }
  41. # Capability Lookup
  42. def capabilityLookup( self, type ):
  43. return self.requiredCapabilities[ type ];
  44. # TODO
  45. def layerInformation( self, name, date, author ):
  46. self.fill_dict['Information'] += "// Name: {0}\n".format( "TODO" )
  47. self.fill_dict['Information'] += "// Version: {0}\n".format( "TODO" )
  48. self.fill_dict['Information'] += "// Date: {0}\n".format( "TODO" )
  49. self.fill_dict['Information'] += "// Author: {0}\n".format( "TODO" )
  50. # Processes content for fill tags and does any needed dataset calculations
  51. def process( self, capabilities, macros, variables, gitRev, gitChanges ):
  52. # Build string list of compiler arguments
  53. compilerArgs = ""
  54. for arg in sys.argv:
  55. if "--" in arg or ".py" in arg:
  56. compilerArgs += "// {0}\n".format( arg )
  57. else:
  58. compilerArgs += "// {0}\n".format( arg )
  59. # Build a string of modified files, if any
  60. gitChangesStr = "\n"
  61. if len( gitChanges ) > 0:
  62. for gitFile in gitChanges:
  63. gitChangesStr += "// {0}\n".format( gitFile )
  64. else:
  65. gitChangesStr = " None\n"
  66. # Prepare BaseLayout and Layer Info
  67. baseLayoutInfo = ""
  68. defaultLayerInfo = ""
  69. partialLayersInfo = ""
  70. for file, name in zip( variables.baseLayout['*LayerFiles'], variables.baseLayout['*NameStack'] ):
  71. baseLayoutInfo += "// {0}\n// {1}\n".format( name, file )
  72. if '*LayerFiles' in variables.layerVariables[0].keys():
  73. for file, name in zip( variables.layerVariables[0]['*LayerFiles'], variables.layerVariables[0]['*NameStack'] ):
  74. defaultLayerInfo += "// {0}\n// {1}\n".format( name, file )
  75. if '*LayerFiles' in variables.layerVariables[1].keys():
  76. for layer in range( 1, len( variables.layerVariables ) ):
  77. partialLayersInfo += "// Layer {0}\n".format( layer )
  78. if len( variables.layerVariables[ layer ]['*LayerFiles'] ) > 0:
  79. for file, name in zip( variables.layerVariables[ layer ]['*LayerFiles'], variables.layerVariables[ layer ]['*NameStack'] ):
  80. partialLayersInfo += "// {0}\n// {1}\n".format( name, file )
  81. ## Information ##
  82. self.fill_dict['Information'] = "// This file was generated by the kll compiler, DO NOT EDIT.\n"
  83. self.fill_dict['Information'] += "// Generation Date: {0}\n".format( date.today() )
  84. self.fill_dict['Information'] += "// KLL Backend: {0}\n".format( "kiibohd" )
  85. self.fill_dict['Information'] += "// KLL Git Rev: {0}\n".format( gitRev )
  86. self.fill_dict['Information'] += "// KLL Git Changes:{0}".format( gitChangesStr )
  87. self.fill_dict['Information'] += "// Compiler arguments:\n{0}".format( compilerArgs )
  88. self.fill_dict['Information'] += "//\n"
  89. self.fill_dict['Information'] += "// - Base Layer -\n{0}".format( baseLayoutInfo )
  90. self.fill_dict['Information'] += "// - Default Layer -\n{0}".format( defaultLayerInfo )
  91. self.fill_dict['Information'] += "// - Partial Layers -\n{0}".format( partialLayersInfo )
  92. ## Variable Information ##
  93. self.fill_dict['VariableInformation'] = ""
  94. # Iterate through the variables, output, and indicate the last file that modified it's value
  95. # Output separate tables per file, per table and overall
  96. # TODO
  97. ## Defines ##
  98. self.fill_dict['Defines'] = ""
  99. # Iterate through defines and lookup the variables
  100. for define in variables.defines.keys():
  101. if define in variables.overallVariables.keys():
  102. self.fill_dict['Defines'] += "\n#define {0} {1}".format( variables.defines[ define ], variables.overallVariables[ define ].replace( '\n', ' \\\n' ) )
  103. else:
  104. print( "{0} '{1}' not defined...".format( WARNING, define ) )
  105. ## Capabilities ##
  106. self.fill_dict['CapabilitiesList'] = "const Capability CapabilitiesList[] = {\n"
  107. # Keys are pre-sorted
  108. for key in capabilities.keys():
  109. funcName = capabilities.funcName( key )
  110. argByteWidth = capabilities.totalArgBytes( key )
  111. self.fill_dict['CapabilitiesList'] += "\t{{ {0}, {1} }},\n".format( funcName, argByteWidth )
  112. self.fill_dict['CapabilitiesList'] += "};"
  113. ## Results Macros ##
  114. self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] = ""
  115. # Iterate through each of the result macros
  116. for result in range( 0, len( macros.resultsIndexSorted ) ):
  117. self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "Guide_RM( {0} ) = {{ ".format( result )
  118. # Add the result macro capability index guide (including capability arguments)
  119. # See kiibohd controller Macros/PartialMap/kll.h for exact formatting details
  120. for sequence in range( 0, len( macros.resultsIndexSorted[ result ] ) ):
  121. # If the sequence is longer than 1, prepend a sequence spacer
  122. # Needed for USB behaviour, otherwise, repeated keys will not work
  123. if sequence > 0:
  124. # <single element>, <usbCodeSend capability>, <USB Code 0x00>
  125. self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "1, {0}, 0x00, ".format( capabilities.getIndex( self.capabilityLookup('USB') ) )
  126. # For each combo in the sequence, add the length of the combo
  127. self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "{0}, ".format( len( macros.resultsIndexSorted[ result ][ sequence ] ) )
  128. # For each combo, add each of the capabilities used and their arguments
  129. for combo in range( 0, len( macros.resultsIndexSorted[ result ][ sequence ] ) ):
  130. resultItem = macros.resultsIndexSorted[ result ][ sequence ][ combo ]
  131. # Add the capability index
  132. self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "{0}, ".format( capabilities.getIndex( resultItem[0] ) )
  133. # Add each of the arguments of the capability
  134. for arg in range( 0, len( resultItem[1] ) ):
  135. # Special cases
  136. if isinstance( resultItem[1][ arg ], str ):
  137. # If this is a CONSUMER_ element, needs to be split into 2 elements
  138. if re.match( '^CONSUMER_', resultItem[1][ arg ] ):
  139. tag = resultItem[1][ arg ].split( '_', 1 )[1]
  140. if '_' in tag:
  141. tag = tag.replace( '_', '' )
  142. lookupNum = kll_hid_lookup_dictionary['ConsCode'][ tag ][1]
  143. byteForm = lookupNum.to_bytes( 2, byteorder='little' ) # XXX Yes, little endian from how the uC structs work
  144. self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "{0}, {1}, ".format( *byteForm )
  145. continue
  146. # None, fall-through disable
  147. elif resultItem[0] is self.capabilityLookup('NONE'):
  148. continue
  149. self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "{0}, ".format( resultItem[1][ arg ] )
  150. # If sequence is longer than 1, append a sequence spacer at the end of the sequence
  151. # Required by USB to end at sequence without holding the key down
  152. if len( macros.resultsIndexSorted[ result ] ) > 1:
  153. # <single element>, <usbCodeSend capability>, <USB Code 0x00>
  154. self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "1, {0}, 0x00, ".format( capabilities.getIndex( self.capabilityLookup('USB') ) )
  155. # Add list ending 0 and end of list
  156. self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] += "0 };\n"
  157. self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'] = self.fill_dict['ResultMacros'][:-1] # Remove last newline
  158. ## Result Macro List ##
  159. self.fill_dict['ResultMacroList'] = "const ResultMacro ResultMacroList[] = {\n"
  160. # Iterate through each of the result macros
  161. for result in range( 0, len( macros.resultsIndexSorted ) ):
  162. self.fill_dict['ResultMacroList'] += "\tDefine_RM( {0} ),\n".format( result )
  163. self.fill_dict['ResultMacroList'] += "};"
  164. ## Result Macro Record ##
  165. self.fill_dict['ResultMacroRecord'] = "ResultMacroRecord ResultMacroRecordList[ ResultMacroNum ];"
  166. ## Trigger Macros ##
  167. self.fill_dict['TriggerMacros'] = ""
  168. # Iterate through each of the trigger macros
  169. for trigger in range( 0, len( macros.triggersIndexSorted ) ):
  170. self.fill_dict['TriggerMacros'] += "Guide_TM( {0} ) = {{ ".format( trigger )
  171. # Add the trigger macro scan code guide
  172. # See kiibohd controller Macros/PartialMap/kll.h for exact formatting details
  173. for sequence in range( 0, len( macros.triggersIndexSorted[ trigger ][0] ) ):
  174. # For each combo in the sequence, add the length of the combo
  175. self.fill_dict['TriggerMacros'] += "{0}, ".format( len( macros.triggersIndexSorted[ trigger ][0][ sequence ] ) )
  176. # For each combo, add the key type, key state and scan code
  177. for combo in range( 0, len( macros.triggersIndexSorted[ trigger ][0][ sequence ] ) ):
  178. triggerItemId = macros.triggersIndexSorted[ trigger ][0][ sequence ][ combo ]
  179. # Lookup triggerItem in ScanCodeStore
  180. triggerItemObj = macros.scanCodeStore[ triggerItemId ]
  181. triggerItem = triggerItemObj.offset( macros.interconnectOffset )
  182. # TODO Add support for Analog keys
  183. # TODO Add support for LED states
  184. self.fill_dict['TriggerMacros'] += "0x00, 0x01, 0x{0:02X}, ".format( triggerItem )
  185. # Add list ending 0 and end of list
  186. self.fill_dict['TriggerMacros'] += "0 };\n"
  187. self.fill_dict['TriggerMacros'] = self.fill_dict['TriggerMacros'][ :-1 ] # Remove last newline
  188. ## Trigger Macro List ##
  189. self.fill_dict['TriggerMacroList'] = "const TriggerMacro TriggerMacroList[] = {\n"
  190. # Iterate through each of the trigger macros
  191. for trigger in range( 0, len( macros.triggersIndexSorted ) ):
  192. # Use TriggerMacro Index, and the corresponding ResultMacro Index
  193. self.fill_dict['TriggerMacroList'] += "\tDefine_TM( {0}, {1} ),\n".format( trigger, macros.triggersIndexSorted[ trigger ][1] )
  194. self.fill_dict['TriggerMacroList'] += "};"
  195. ## Trigger Macro Record ##
  196. self.fill_dict['TriggerMacroRecord'] = "TriggerMacroRecord TriggerMacroRecordList[ TriggerMacroNum ];"
  197. ## Max Scan Code ##
  198. self.fill_dict['MaxScanCode'] = "#define MaxScanCode 0x{0:X}".format( macros.overallMaxScanCode )
  199. ## Interconnect ScanCode Offset List ##
  200. self.fill_dict['ScanCodeInterconnectOffsetList'] = "const uint8_t InterconnectOffsetList[] = {\n"
  201. for offset in range( 0, len( macros.interconnectOffset ) ):
  202. self.fill_dict['ScanCodeInterconnectOffsetList'] += "\t0x{0:02X},\n".format( macros.interconnectOffset[ offset ] )
  203. self.fill_dict['ScanCodeInterconnectOffsetList'] += "};"
  204. ## Max Interconnect Nodes ##
  205. self.fill_dict['InterconnectNodeMax'] = "#define InterconnectNodeMax 0x{0:X}\n".format( len( macros.interconnectOffset ) )
  206. ## Default Layer and Default Layer Scan Map ##
  207. self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerTriggerList'] = ""
  208. self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerScanMap'] = "const nat_ptr_t *default_scanMap[] = {\n"
  209. # Iterate over triggerList and generate a C trigger array for the default map and default map array
  210. for triggerList in range( macros.firstScanCode[0], len( macros.triggerList[0] ) ):
  211. # Generate ScanCode index and triggerList length
  212. self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerTriggerList'] += "Define_TL( default, 0x{0:02X} ) = {{ {1}".format( triggerList, len( macros.triggerList[0][ triggerList ] ) )
  213. # Add scanCode trigger list to Default Layer Scan Map
  214. self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerScanMap'] += "default_tl_0x{0:02X}, ".format( triggerList )
  215. # Add each item of the trigger list
  216. for triggerItem in macros.triggerList[0][ triggerList ]:
  217. self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerTriggerList'] += ", {0}".format( triggerItem )
  218. self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerTriggerList'] += " };\n"
  219. self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerTriggerList'] = self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerTriggerList'][:-1] # Remove last newline
  220. self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerScanMap'] = self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerScanMap'][:-2] # Remove last comma and space
  221. self.fill_dict['DefaultLayerScanMap'] += "\n};"
  222. ## Partial Layers and Partial Layer Scan Maps ##
  223. self.fill_dict['PartialLayerTriggerLists'] = ""
  224. self.fill_dict['PartialLayerScanMaps'] = ""
  225. # Iterate over each of the layers, excluding the default layer
  226. for layer in range( 1, len( macros.triggerList ) ):
  227. # Prepare each layer
  228. self.fill_dict['PartialLayerScanMaps'] += "// Partial Layer {0}\n".format( layer )
  229. self.fill_dict['PartialLayerScanMaps'] += "const nat_ptr_t *layer{0}_scanMap[] = {{\n".format( layer )
  230. self.fill_dict['PartialLayerTriggerLists'] += "// Partial Layer {0}\n".format( layer )
  231. # Iterate over triggerList and generate a C trigger array for the layer
  232. for triggerList in range( macros.firstScanCode[ layer ], len( macros.triggerList[ layer ] ) ):
  233. # Generate ScanCode index and triggerList length
  234. self.fill_dict['PartialLayerTriggerLists'] += "Define_TL( layer{0}, 0x{1:02X} ) = {{ {2}".format( layer, triggerList, len( macros.triggerList[ layer ][ triggerList ] ) )
  235. # Add scanCode trigger list to Default Layer Scan Map
  236. self.fill_dict['PartialLayerScanMaps'] += "layer{0}_tl_0x{1:02X}, ".format( layer, triggerList )
  237. # Add each item of the trigger list
  238. for trigger in macros.triggerList[ layer ][ triggerList ]:
  239. self.fill_dict['PartialLayerTriggerLists'] += ", {0}".format( trigger )
  240. self.fill_dict['PartialLayerTriggerLists'] += " };\n"
  241. self.fill_dict['PartialLayerTriggerLists'] += "\n"
  242. self.fill_dict['PartialLayerScanMaps'] = self.fill_dict['PartialLayerScanMaps'][:-2] # Remove last comma and space
  243. self.fill_dict['PartialLayerScanMaps'] += "\n};\n\n"
  244. self.fill_dict['PartialLayerTriggerLists'] = self.fill_dict['PartialLayerTriggerLists'][:-2] # Remove last 2 newlines
  245. self.fill_dict['PartialLayerScanMaps'] = self.fill_dict['PartialLayerScanMaps'][:-2] # Remove last 2 newlines
  246. ## Layer Index List ##
  247. self.fill_dict['LayerIndexList'] = "const Layer LayerIndex[] = {\n"
  248. # Iterate over each layer, adding it to the list
  249. for layer in range( 0, len( macros.triggerList ) ):
  250. # Lookup first scancode in map
  251. firstScanCode = macros.firstScanCode[ layer ]
  252. # Generate stacked name
  253. stackName = ""
  254. if '*NameStack' in variables.layerVariables[ layer ].keys():
  255. for name in range( 0, len( variables.layerVariables[ layer ]['*NameStack'] ) ):
  256. stackName += "{0} + ".format( variables.layerVariables[ layer ]['*NameStack'][ name ] )
  257. stackName = stackName[:-3]
  258. # Default map is a special case, always the first index
  259. if layer == 0:
  260. self.fill_dict['LayerIndexList'] += '\tLayer_IN( default_scanMap, "D: {1}", 0x{0:02X} ),\n'.format( firstScanCode, stackName )
  261. else:
  262. self.fill_dict['LayerIndexList'] += '\tLayer_IN( layer{0}_scanMap, "{0}: {2}", 0x{1:02X} ),\n'.format( layer, firstScanCode, stackName )
  263. self.fill_dict['LayerIndexList'] += "};"
  264. ## Layer State ##
  265. self.fill_dict['LayerState'] = "uint8_t LayerState[ LayerNum ];"